Years from now, when someone is catching up on “Rick and Morty” during an afternoon HBO Max binge, the Season 4 premiere will make for a curious stop. Much like the stealth Season 3 premiere, dropped on April Fool’s Day 2017 in an extreme case of committing to the bit, it’s hard to separate this episode from the context in which it arrives.
The last new “Rick and Morty” episode came 25 months ago, and it’s easy to see this return to the air as both a nod to fan favorite slices from years past and a reset of sorts, brought on by that time away. That hand-in-hand idea comes right at the top of “Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Repeat,” as Rick proclaims he’s off to harvest death crystals from Forbojolon Prime, and Beth insists that Morty be given a say in whether he should have to tag along.